Independent Project/ Community Service Project

It is important for students to explore areas of interest, develop a more thorough knowledge base through independent investigations and be encouraged and facilitated in passion learning through in depth studies; in order to demonstrate growth as independent, self directed learners.

Therefore, the requirements for the study are as follows:

  • Complete the Project Proposal and participate in a meeting with the gifted facilitator to receive approval before moving forward and discuss the final product that will be presented.
                                                 EXAMPLE OF PROJECT PROPOSAL
  • Begin project completion, following the stated timeline and keep a journal/ log of hours that will provide evidence of time, resources and effort in completing the proposed project.  
  • Schedule a meeting(s) with the Gifted Facilitator at checkpoint dates to chart progress of project completion.(Your responsibility)
  • Complete project product and additional requirements as stated in your proposal following your timeline. If changes occur, contact Mrs. Peters IMMEDIATELY.
  • Complete project reflection following the outline requirements.
  • Compile a project binder for the final presentation. All supportive information, including notes, evidence of research and any other materials or information gathered for the study should be presented in the binder. A title page, section dividers and a table of contents should be used to organize the information. Creativity and thoughtfulness in the development of this study should be evident. All written materials should be typed and word- processed.
  • Schedule a final presentation with the gifted facilitator and additional evaluators (as stated in your proposal). During this presentation, your final product as well as your project binder will need to be presented. The evaluators will ask question(s) regarding your project that you will need to be prepared to answer.

 Select the links below that match your level of participation and save these documents to your computer. Remember you can email them as an attachment to Mrs. Peters or print out a hard copy to be placed in your folder for approval.

Project Proposal Form (used for both Community Service Project/ Indep. Project)


Log of Hours ( For any student completing an independent project or extended learning opportunity)


Self Analysis (For any student completing an independent project, to be completed at the conclusion of your project timeline)





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